Get involved!
Join us on a mission trip!
Ever thought about coming on a mission trip? People tell us that each time they go on one of our trips, they expect to bless the kids, but end up being blessed themselves! It’s an amazingly rewarding experience to spend time helping at the Worldwide Heart to Heart Children’s Village, because you instantly fall in love with the kids.
Pray about it and let us know if you'd like to learn more about this amazing opportunity.

Write to the kids
The children would LOVE to hear from you! Each year there are many opportunities to send letters . The kids are all learning English, so it will be easy for you! Tell them what you are up to, give them encouraging notes and maybe even a photo or two.
Mail letters to:
WWH2H, Attn: Chris Himm , PO Box 3275
Clackamas, OR 97015
All letters will be received and hand delivered to the kids in Honduras as there is no postal service in Honduras.